Hurt and Fear vs. Love and Trust

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Love vs. Fear

Hurt and Fear vs. Love and Trust. I use this all the time in therapy and personally. I talk about it so much that I sometimes forget where I got it from. For me, it comes from a book I read many years ago called Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. He has since written other books with his spiritual partner, Linda Francis. I highly recommend them.

The theme that I use most frequently from that book is the concept that as humans, we are constantly faced with the choice in every moment, big or small, to act out of fear or to act out of love. It seems so simple, but can be quite challenging at times!!

The idea is that when we act out of love – love for ourselves, love for another being, love for the universe, etc. then we create a set of consequences that will bring more love back to us. When we act out of fear – fear of rejection, fear of “bad” feelings, fear of being taken advantage of, etc., we create consequences that result in more fear coming back to us.

In other words, if we make decisions based in fear, they will ultimately create negative consequences. If we make decisions based in love, in the end, they will be the right decisions with the “right” positive consequences.

Love vs. Fear

You can practice discerning between acting out of love vs. acting out of fear by really paying attention to your body. You can practice and decide for yourself which feels more free and expansive in your body (love and trust) vs. which feels constricted and tight (fear and hurt). You cannot feel love/trust and fear/mistrust at the same time! It really is impossible.

May you all enjoy practicing the choice of love vs. the choice of fear.

If you or you together with your partner would like more one-on-one support or couples counseling, and you are interested in working with Rachael Stracka, LCSW, please visit the Services menu for more information.

This article does not take the place of professional psychotherapy or counseling. If you would like to schedule an appointment or for a free phone consultation, contact us here or please call (760) 489-1092.

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