Individual Therapy

Integrative Psychotherapy is a holistic approach in responding to a person at all levels of functioning. This type of psychotherapy offers greater levels of self-acceptance and personal growth. InPsych combines traditional and innovative therapeutic approaches to unify and heal mind, body and spirit.

Some people come in to therapy saying and believing that they have no idea what is wrong with them; “I’m just a mess,” they say.

Life has become overwhelming or the relationships with themselves, their mate, their children, their family, friends, or co-workers have become painful or destructive.

They don’t see a way out of feeling depressed, anxious, or without purpose, and they are sometimes not even sure if they deserve to feel differently.

One Thing Is For Sure

You deserve to and can heal and integrate mind, body, and soul. Create the life you really want, feel free in yourself and in your relationships, and most of all, feel joy again!

With InPsych, people gain relief and hope in the first session, and experience the courage to go deep.

This is not a cover-up for the pain, but rather a deeper approach so that negative patterns do not keep repeating.

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