Positive vs. Negative Energy

Explore the 5 Key Strategies to Create and Live Your Best Life. You can get your own copy of all of them here!

The third strategy is: Know that what you put out there is what will come back to you.

You have all experienced this on some level because all of your thoughts and actions are energy put “out there” into the universe. Whether you are aware of it or not, it happens. There has recently been a lot of hoopla about this theory, law, or whatever you want to call it. It is so valuable to people.

The very simplest example of this is when you feel like everything is going wrong one day – from the time you got up to the time you realize it. You get out of bed and turn wrong, straining your back, then you stub your toe, then get toothpaste on your shirt, then a road is closed on the way to work, you are late for work, and so on. Then, you realize in frustration, “I’m having a bad day. Everything is going wrong.” Well, you may be right about thinking you are “having a bad day,” but this is where the third strategy can be put into use consciously.Positive vs. Negative Energy

The theory is that as soon as you started to get out of bed and turned wrong, you probably had a reaction – “ouch,” which lead to negative feelings and thoughts. You may have said to yourself or out loud, “sh……” or some other expletive. Then, you probably focused on how you hate mornings anyway, and this is just one more reason to hate them, and that you are feeling so old, your body is not the same, it’s terrible, and that now you have to go to the job that you don’t really like anyway and sit in a stupid meeting with your back hurting….. and on and on…….

And this is all before you even get to the bathroom and stub your toe, which, of course, sets more pain (physical and emotional) in motion. The point is that if you had been able to be a little more conscious of the thoughts and dialogue that were going on in your head at the time you hurt your back, you would not have continued the chain of negative events that morning.

In other words, you are in control of your own thoughts and feelings, which has a tremendous effect on what will come your way next – it may be the next moment or it may be the next year. The same theory works for positive events as well, and for larger scale events (not just the daily acts of getting out of bed and getting ready for work!).

I challenge each one of you to try it out. See how it works for you. You, too, can be one of those people who always “has all the luck” or always has good things happening in their life. Practice it, and let me know how it goes. What do you discover about you and life?

If you or you together with your partner would like more one-on-one support or couples counseling, and you are interested in working with Rachael Stracka, LCSW, please visit the Services menu for more information.

This article does not take the place of professional psychotherapy or counseling. If you would like to schedule an appointment or for a free phone consultation, contact us here or please call (760) 489-1092.

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